17 June 2007

It's ok....

Just a random thought pattern...

If you tell someone you want to run a marathon, what is the first thing they say?

Is it common for the first thing people to tell you is to not be disappointed if you do not finish? That just the act of starting the marathon is what counts?

Why must we set the seed of self doubt and say that it is ok to fail at attempting what one wants instead of just saying GO FOR IT? Pretty sure when the person decided to run the marathon, they knew what they were up against....

Just some thoughts on a too hot night...

13 June 2007

Preview of our new house

Here it is, the first picture I have... July 30th can't come soon enough!

The child in me...

Sporting rugburn on my knee today... I am way too old to have children.

So in pants, it rubs. If I wear a skirt, I have to explain.... Sigh... a no-win situation...

11 June 2007

New House

We did it. We did it. We did it horray! {emagine Dora dance here}

We found a great house, jumped in took a chance. And after one night of apprehension after the owner countered our offer.. it works out in the end. So we are under contract!!!! Still have a long way to go, but closing is scheduled for July 30th!

05 June 2007

It's all in the way you look at it.

I was just reading more on the puke forum (OBGYN.net). And I thought of something.

Why do the not use the correct terminology? Here is my logic.

Woman goes to hospital, labor no where ready to go (either scheduled induction or someone who jumps at the first couple of contractions) but the clock is started, the OB's start the induction pathway... Pit, AROM, more PIT, etc...

And then the "labor stalls"

Here is the part that kills me. This is labeled failure to progress. But is it really? Should it not be labeled what it really is? Failure to induce to delivery?

The OB's make us feel like it is our bodies that fail us.. Yet you can turn that around and say it is their intervention that failed to work. THEY FAILED! I can just see the "no, not me, not Dr. GOD. Oh no, I did everything by the book"

Just my grumbling on how it is all how you look at it. Did my body fail, or did Medicine fail?

04 June 2007

A comment I like...

It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
-Samuel Adams