18 March 2009

Individualism in our community

So I live in a small community. Not really big by any means. As a bit of history, it was part of another town and then annexed from it. We have a total of maybe two blinking traffic lights, one elementary school, don't even have our own post office (share a zip with the town we split from). So you get my picture.

Well, what I find fascinating is it is a town full of individuals, people who want to stand in their homes on their property and care only about that. There seems to be a lacking in community. Where is the pride in community? The desire to have a strong community base? We have a little over 2,000 registered voters (out of a population of 6,000+) and in our last town meeting where a New England town votes on everything by verbal Aye and Nay methods, there was around 312 voters!

Overall it was an eye opening experience. The questions people had, the arguments that ensued were all fascinating from an observers standpoint. The Yankee mentality....

Some of my favorite from the night were:

Question on buying a new fire truck. 1) How many fires did we have last year? {UM, ok, does it matter if YOUR house is on fire?!?} 2) Well, if the fire truck is just 30 years old, and you say still passes inspection, then it ain't broke. So come ask us for a new one when the old one is broke.. {Again, slap head... If it is broke, what will put out your smouldering hillbilly shack?}

The pain was just excruciating! I am not one for high taxes nor for crazy spending to increase taxes, but sometimes you have to spend money! It is funny that no one questioned the 2.7 to 3% salary raise for the town workers! Shventa, I did not get a raise this year due to the economy!

But the best one so far is the hand painted sign... "Vote NO to the fire dept. They are building a GYM with are money".... are?!? really?

Driving through Jersey, land of the property tax, income tax, sales tax, I looked out the window and saw sprawling stone work fire departments, town halls that look like small estates, post offices spiraling high into the air. I read about new equipment, of parades, of parks, monuments, and schools with money.

So what works and what does not? I do not know....

09 March 2009

Snow again!

It is snowing yet again. March 9th, and snow. AAAKKK!

We were teased this weekend with weather in the 50's, and I even went outside and did some spring yard cleanup for a bit in a light coat! Left the parka inside! There were spots of grass showing through the snow! The sunlight was so bright yesterday! I wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep in the sun with my cats...

And today I woke up to another 3 to 6 inches! Enough!

NH does not keep snow totals for all areas, and so far I could only find info for Concord, which as of last week listed 84" of snow this season. I know we have had more than Concord, so a quick estimate is we are around 100" of snow!

Sigh.... All I can do is sit inside and dog-ear my seed and flower catalogues... someday....

08 March 2009

Peake's Paw

So my inlaws were up for the weekend, and they brought with them a token. A plaster cast taken by their vet's office of our Peake's paw. With his name on it, and a little bow.

What to say. I could not say anything when MIL handed me the little package... I had to open it, but I did not want to see it. Did not want to feel the pain of loss again.

But I did. I looked at those big honking paws and thougth of that sweet friendly guy who used to snore, drool and stand on you, all 25 lbs of him pressing into you in four little paws. Thinking of the day we went to the West Milford Animal Shelter in NJ and brought home "Tommy and Lucy" as they were named there. To become our Chessie and Peake. That was 1998, shortly after our wedding.

We miss him, and like the list of pets he will always be there, just around the corner.