30 June 2009


Ugh. I am tired of reading where the government again feels the need to protect the dim witted and stupid people by penalizing everyone.

Now the FDA has decided to BAN percocet and vicodin, and limit the amount of OTC tylenol because of overdose risk?!?!?!?


You have got to be kidding me! So now because some morons who use too much of it kill their liver, these perfectly safe, when taken as prescribed medications will no longer be there for people that need them. What does the all mighty FDA recommend as a substitution? Straight Morphine to go home with after major surgery?

This just kills me and reaks of what we are told as children, it is the morons, the stupid ones that ruin it for everyone! Aint that the truth! Someone goes out and chuggs tons of these medications, and then everyone else has to go scratch when it comes to legitimate pain issues.

In my time, I have seen them all while riding EMS. The ones that "ground up their oxycodone and snorted it", the ones that blame the system when they become addicted to their spouses back pain meds. The morons who chew a transdermal narcotic patch!

The thing that kills me, is that people who want to overdose, will overdose. Those that are abusing the drugs will continue to abuse them. Removing them from the market does not fix the problem (can anyone say the war on illegal drugs example? people still using them!).

Just tired of our overbearing government agencies telling us "it is for your best interest". I don't want them as a parent!

The useless state of todays medical insurance.

So I read an article, the number one cause of bankruptcy in USA? Medical debt!

And you know what I think about this! It is because of the horrendous amount of crap one must endure to figgure out medical bills and confusing insurance claims. None of them make sense, none of them are written in plain english.

Get this, I recieved a collections notice for services rendered last year. So after the initial WTF!! OMGYUPOS! I started digging. And this is what I found.

The claim was for a Dr. whom I have seen numerous times. (but due to this, and other reasons, will NEVER GO BACK THERE AGAIN!). And she is in network. But for some ungodly reason, the insurance company processed it as out of network (so in essence go impale yourself on a blunt object and pay the full price out of your bodily orfice).

Then they re-processed it as in-network. And supposidly sent ME a check for this in-network Dr. Needless to say, if I did get the check, it was mixed in with my flex spending checks, and I had no clue they sent it to me. Instead of sending it to the F-ing provider!

So then flash forward, now the collection agency is demanding payment, and it has taken me three days of trying to figgure out what the flaming poo happened.

Now I have to pay the collection agency and all I want to do is scream and say all of this is such a hemmroid that it just makes me so pissed that NO ONE can do their job right, and in the end I have to somehow "fix" everything in some sort of a rush before they threaten me with all this rediculous crap that sounds like I am trying to screw them out of a million dollars!

In short, I HATE healthcare! I HATE insurance language and medical biling is such a joke, I want to tear someone limb from limb! Somehow average Joe americal gets screwed every time because we are supposed to be all knowing and versed in the secret codex of medical billing!


19 June 2009

One Gilr's Battle Against Toe FUZZ


So my DD has decided that Toe fuzz is the equivalent of some alien life form that must be irradicated. She has become sort of neruotic about checking between each and every toe, examining them closely to make sure not a microscopic speck of fuzz exists.

If by chance she finds any there is this determined face as she attempts to remove the offending fuzz before this grin of winning her daily war on the unsuspecting toe fuzz.

The other night she was with me in the family bed, when I pulled off my socks and slid under the sheets. She acted outraged! I had NOT checked for toe fuzz! She then proceeded to announce that SHE would take her assault on toe fuzz into the no mans land of mommies toes! Trying to go along, she duitifully examined each toe on one foot and demanded the other foot as well. She then pronounced me "ALL CLEAR!"

Sigh.. The things kids like to do. Which reminds me to tell ya about how living in this tick infested forest has now lead my DD to do tick checks on her stuffed animals mimicking how mommy has to check daddie's back after working outside. She is so serious about it too, saying the word Tick like it is some nasty monster. And then declares they are all good. :)

04 June 2009

The playground

Well the playground arrived and was assembled yesterday. Madeline was in love! She just started screeching and running towards it. It was really cute! The first thing she did was climb up and run around the fort part. Then down the slide head first!

It is really nice and daddy did a great job picking out one that would be interesting for her. She easily scaled the 7 foot rock wall and proceeded to tell me "you still don't believe it huh mom!"

Sigh. My little girl is getting so big.

Today she slept in content, second night in a row with a dry nightime diaper! That is a big deal for us because I told her if she went three nights in a row dry, we would try out going to sleep in underwear instead of the sweaty diaper. She seems really enthusiastic about the whole thing and even woke up at 3:00am to use the bathroom.

She was able to fall back asleep, but unfortunately for me I was unable to. I rolled around for a while, and then I must have fallen asleep because I had one weirdo dream. The kind that fuels my short story type of dreams. It was so vivid and odd. I could see faces of people. All strangers, but in my dream were familiar. Primarily two guys in the dream. All the other people were the typical dream people blobs.. I will have to try to capture some of this one, it was really surreal, and I did wake up going "man, that would make one interesting story"....

Sigh.. too many story themes, not enough time to write!

03 June 2009

My child...

Well I picked Madeline up from school and then was given a lecture.

It went like this...

"Mommy, you know you are not supposed to use those fucking bad words, because they are bad and you are not supposed to say them."

"I know Maddie, I try not too"

"You know you use a lot of them in the Truck, and you shouldn't because they are somebodies Uncles out there!"

That was followed up with Whaaat? Somebodies uncles... I think she kind of misinterpreted a lesson from school. :)

01 June 2009

the mystery in the garden

Yeah the title sounds all mystic and wooo hooooeeee huh. Not all that cool honestly.

I planted my veggie garden and in the three weeks it has been in the dirt, some interesting things have been going on. First off the tomatoes, peppers, beans, and peas all appear to be growing as expected. So are the perimeter nasty smelling marigolds.. But...

First it was the squash that went funny. The leaves turned all white, like something drained the chlorophyl from them. Not yellow, not brown, just white all over. So I threw out the wilted white corpses and made fresh mounds on the other side of the raised bed and tried again. Same results.

Next my zuchinni succumed to this white blight, and now the cukes are looking a bit pale as well! WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I should blame bunnicula, the vampire bunny rabbit from my youth who sucked the juice out of celery in the garden... Yes! that must be it!

So It looks like I will have lots of tomatoes, but will be relying on my local grocer for the victims of bunnicula...