25 May 2007

The price of rural living...

Well, one thing I have notices about living in the rural setting...

Animals are downright nuts in the spring. WTF?

After we had to evacuate our apartment on the river, (which was the first time I actually watched animals flee the area, they do leave before disasters, and that should have been my clue to get my azz to higher ground... spent too much time in the city...) I moshed a squirrel.

Now although I have been driving for many years, this was the first animal (oh humans don't count... :) that I moshed. I was so shaken up, I stopped and shoveled the little floppy body to the side of the road with a dustpan from the back of my truck.

Well this week, I had a bird fly into the side of my truck while going along the Great Bay. Maddie was shocked to see a puff of feathers on the side as it kamikazes our truck.

Then this morning, one more dived the grill of my truck, and just three miles later, I ducked as one came right at my windshield... What is going on!!!

Carrie, the mosher of wildlife... Watch out...

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