22 April 2009


Ok, so I had this really weird dream that was so vivid when I woke up it was unreal...

I was a motorcycle rider?!?! I had on a black helmet, dressed all in black, and ok, I kid you not, this little black half cape tied around my neck... (ok, ridiculous I know, especial since it is dangerous for superheroes to wear capes {thanks for the info Mr. Incredible}).

I was at a gas station with this enormous black motorcycle, no chrome, all pitch black, like something DEATH in a Discworld novel would ride. And... I could not figure out where to put the gas! I was standing there with the gas nozzle just staring at the massive machine.

Then this gas attendant, dressed like something out of Leave it to Beaver episode, little boat hat, striped shirt walks up and asks if I need assistance and fills my tank.

The end of the dream is me sitting on top of this monstrous contraption, and all I can remember is that I was smiling so much my cheeks hurt..

Ok, so WTF is that?!?! I can be heard referring to motorcycles as donorcycles after my mirad of ambulance calls, where we are thankful they wore a helmet, because it makes spatula duty easier....

My co-worker who chuckled that she is not a dream interpreter told me it sounds like I need a vacation, that the motorcycle was representative of having no ties, no room for DH, no carseat for DD, no place for the dog, cats, crabs, fish... Just me and this giant joy ride... Told me I should by a Harley... Next I will be getting a tat!

But the cape?!??!

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