15 May 2009

King of the Cube Baby!!!

Oh yeah! After months of complaining that my company computer monitor (17" CRT) was browning out, flikkering, and well, just an antiquated POS, I finally recieved my upgrade.

It was precipitated by me starting a Track-it requesting a new monitor. (We joke that a track-it submission is the corporate way of shelving shit we don't want to have to deal with, ya know, take a number....) And I waited weeks...

Then at the beginning of the week I was chosen to be a guinea pig for a new software installation, which crashed and burned. Not to mention pegging out my poor hamster of a processor to the point where I just about had to do CPR on the motherboard!!! But that required the head of our IT department to show up. And what did he say "HOLY CRAP, your monitor is really bad!" At which point I camly (ok, making faces when he sat with his back to me) stated, I did put a Track-it in two weeks ago. His reply "oh...".

So by the next day my desk was adorned by a nice brandy new 22" widescreen LCD. :) Sigh... Smiles of happiness pass over my face as my poor eyes no longer feel like they are being pulled out by hot pokers of blurry text!

We all were supposed to get upgraded monitors last year, but well, fell through the cracks, so now I have to endure the looks of "who did she ..... to get the cool monitor?" from my cube mates... Oh, well, I just turn my back on them, let my eyes fall apon this bit of technological beauty and smile...

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