11 August 2009

Thanks again Big O!

So not only does the visit by the Pres mean I will not be able to leave work at lunch today due to massive traffic restrictions as he flies is air force one into the airport I look at everyday out my work window, but I get a notice from American Express.

Yes, the Big O man passed that great credit card reform law, remember? You know where credit cards cant pitch their crap to college kids, and all that nice protection for the masses that was promised?

Well, now on top of B of A increasing all their frivolous fees on my other card, good old American Express Blue just gave us notice that starting October 1st, our interest rate will go from a lucrative 7-9% to 11.99% plus prime, not to be less than 15.99% anual APR!!!!! And we are a member in good standing!!!!! (No late fees, no delinquent payments, etc.) They actually had the audacity to state it was due to changing economic times! (Yeah, that is what my work stated when they gave out NO raises, and my DH job when they terminated his contract, leading to 8+ months of unemployment!)

And what do I find when I search the internet, but this news article from July...


Just freaking wonderful! Now for me, all it means is I will take a bit of cash from savings and tell good ol AM to go pack it sideways and they will never get a bit of intrest out of me again! HA HA!

But what about all those people the big O promised to protect? All those people that do not have a bit in their savings to pay off their credit? They get HOSED!!!!!!!!

So how does this govornment regulation help me? I can't see it.

And now the pitch on health care reform. Where I loose my right to choose my health coverage, where I have to pay for others who choose to not pay for insurance! Again, I do not see me or my family coming out of this on the winning side!

Grumble over...

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